Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Xubuntu 9.04 + sound controls + T61

Well sometimes some things are not so obvious. At least for me.

Recently I have overcame most annoying problem with my T61 Xubuntu configuration.
This is first IBM/Lenovo hardware I've ever have to configure sounds buttons but maybe I screw up something before.

Anyway, it seams that tpb doesn't help in this case. Fortunately, I've found this blog entry. To make it simple you need to configure your XFCE keyboard shortcuts as follow:

XF86AudioLowerVolumeamixer -q set Master 3%- unmute
XF86AudioRaiseVolumeamixer -q set Master 3%+ unmute
XF86AudioMuteamixer -q set Master toggle

Yes, I know this is only solution for XFCE but more detailed configuraiton can be read under link specified above.

1 comment:

Jacek Pospychala said...

thing that was always annoying me with ubuntu on lenovo thinkpad was screen brightness constantly switching to lowest possible even on power cord.
Is it different on Xubuntu?

and btw. I'm not switching from Windows - it's way too comfy to leave :-D