Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Health insurance

As Poland is part of the European Union we can use our insurance round EU. The only thing you need is insurance card called EKUZ. But to my surprise the card is written in Polish ;) I can only assume that all card in whole Europe has the same design and are this way recognizable. Anyway, when you are in my age please be aware that there are some problems with the card ;) When you are passing 26 you cannot stay on your parents insurance and your university takes control. The new insurance card is needed. And I want mention this card is valid only for 4 months. So even if you are going for Socrates for half a year you need two cards.
Simple, isn't it ? ;)


Jacek Pospychala said...

you surprised me with this 4month limit as I know at least one person - my sister - who went for 2semesters and didn't have to update the card.

Bartek Michalik said...

maybe the rules have change, this information is from first hand